
Configuring Outlook for Microsoft 365 Email and Calendar in Windows

Last modified 12/13/2022

You may configure Outlook on your Windows computer to use with your Illinois State University Microsoft 365 email account. The instructions below refer to Outlook version 2016.

To configure Outlook 2016 on a Mac, please refer to Configuring Outlook in MacOS for Office 365 Email and Calendar

Configuring Outlook for Microsoft 365 in Windows

  1. Launch Outlook.
  2. Click File →  + Add Account.
  3. Type your ILSTU email address in the pop-up window.
  4. Select Connect
  5. Enter your ULID password in the field labeled Password.
  6. Enter your ULID password again in the field labeled Retype Password.
  7. Click Next.
  8. You should see a message stating, Searching for your mail server settings.
  9. When Outlook is finished configuring, you will receive another message stating, Congratulations! Your email account was successfully configured and is ready to use.
  10. Click Finish.
  11. If you receive a pop-up stating, You must restart Outlook for these changes to take effect, click OK.
  12. Close and re-launch Outlook.
  13. Upon re-launch, Outlook will display your email account on the left side of the pane. It may take some time for your email to fully populate in the client, depending upon the size and contents of your account.

Your Outlook email client is now configured for use with your University Microsoft 365 email account.

Not working?

Make sure you entered your email and password correctly and try again.

How to Remove an Email account in Outlook

You may remove an email account from the Outlook email client. In order to do so:

  1. Launch Outlook.
  2. Click File →  Account Settings → Account Settings 
  3. In the Account Settings pane, select the Email account you no longer need added, and click Remove.
  4. When you receive the message, Careful, if you remove this account, its offline cached content will be deleted, click Yes.

You have successfully removed your account from the Outlook email client.

Needing Assistance?

For technical assistance, Submit a Help Ticket, or call the Technology Support Center at (309) 438-4357 or by email at

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