Server Management

Get started with the Ansible Automation Platform

Last modified 3/16/2023

The Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (AAP) is a comprehensive platform for IT automation, designed to help automate IT infrastructure, applications, and processes. It is built around the open-source automation framework called Ansible, which provides a simple, agentless way to automate IT infrastructure.

Who Can Access?

Illinois State campus IT staff can request that their IT team be onboarded into the Ansible Automation Platform (AAP). To request access, you can send a ticket to Technology Solutions CCA with your IT team name and a list of users that need access.

After your team is onboarded and if requested, TS CCA can assist your team in developing a simple workflow using Ansible to get your team familiar with the products.

How to Use the Ansible Automation Platform


The Ansible Automation Platform will only execute Ansible Playbooks. An Ansible Playbook is a set of automation tasks that can be ran a host or a group of hosts.  Playbooks are made up of Ansible modules that executes a particular task. You can read more about what an Ansible Playbook is from Red Hat, here.


IT teams can manage their Ansible content from the AAP website. Your production and test/dev servers and resources will separated out via lifecycle environment.  (Test/Dev servers can only be managed with the Test AAP environment.)


Additional Resources

Recommended Learning (LinkedIn Learning)

Git and VSCode


Recommended Reading

Still Need Assistance?

Please reach out to the Technology Solutions CCA team with any issues / help / comments.